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Finex Currency Exchange Vancouver
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Posts Tagged "Money Exchange Vancouver"

HomePosts Tagged "Money Exchange Vancouver"

If you’re new to Vancouver, either an immigrant or a tourist, welcome! There’s so much to do in this fantastic city. Whether you’re strolling down Robson St., taking a trip to Whistler, or visiting the Capilano Suspension Bridge, you’re going to want cash in hand for your adventure. If you have questions about money exchange […]

It’s hard to believe that we’re over halfway through December. 2017 seems to have flown by! Holiday season is upon us, and many Canadians are already off school or work for the next few weeks. It’s a busy time of year for travel, as people are visiting loved ones and taking those vacations they’ve been […]

  • metal exchange

With the upcoming holidays, many Canadian citizens are going to be going across the border or flying abroad to visit loved ones. Likewise, we are expecting overseas visitors here in Canada over the next couple of months. Planning a trip can be daunting; booking flights, hotels and packing are just some of the tasks that […]