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Traveling during the holidays? Consider money exchange

HomeUncategorizedTraveling during the holidays? Consider money exchange
Traveling during the holidays? Consider money exchange
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    Finex Forex Exchange
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It’s hard to believe that we’re over halfway through December. 2017 seems to have flown by! Holiday season is upon us, and many Canadians are already off school or work for the next few weeks. It’s a busy time of year for travel, as people are visiting loved ones and taking those vacations they’ve been looking forward to all year long. If you’re planning to travel this holiday season, you are probably understandably busy with last minute arrangements and packing. However, taking an extra few moments to plan ahead and consider currency exchange options can save you time, hassle and money once you reach your destination.


It’s important to consider foreign money exchange rates and fees when working out your travel budget. Many people rely on credit cards when traveling, but this can land you in hot water. Using a credit card while abroad could result in hefty international exchange fees; in addition, services such as cabs, restaurants and convenience stores may not accept the card you carry, leaving you in a bind until you can get ot a foreign exchange service. Travellers cheques are another option, but they are not widely accepted worldwide and can be inconvenient and costly.  Exchange kiosks at airports often charge exorbitant fees, and you could wind up spending a lot more than you planned by waiting until you’ve arrived at your destination to exchange your money.


So what is the best way to exchange money? Exchange before you go. This way you will have time to shop around for the best rates, and you’ll have cash in hand for when you arrive so you’ll be prepared in case of an emergency.


Using a currency exchange service like Finex to purchase your travel money before your trip is the safest and most cost effective option. At Finex Currency Exchange we pride ourselves on offering rates that beat the banks, with no long waits or hidden fees. We have a wide variety of foreign and even exotic currencies in stock. Just stop by one of our Vancouver offices to quickly and conveniently exchange currency for your trip. Contact us for more information. Bon voyage!

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